Tombs suggestions/gripes
Here are some suggestions/gripes I have with the Tombs in PVP.
1) It can last too long. Sometimes a single entry into the Tombs can last almost an hour long. I think the max should be 20-30 minutes. Such a high amount of required time means that players will often drop from the game. Also, I think most players prefer to have shorter games in general for various reasons.
2) Many people seem to dislike the free-for-all portions of the maps, where 3 or 4 teams will clash together. This is no surprise, as FFA type games aren't popular in any other competitive game to date. Most people like having a 1-vs-1 type affair, as that is considered the most fair and valid way to play a competitive game. I would like to see the FFA stuff done different, make it less common perhaps.
3) The party formation process is too .... time consuming. While this game is about Guilds, it's safe to say that a great deal (probably most) of players will be playing with pick-up parties that are slowly formed. We need some kind of auto-matching process that players can optionally use. This process would fill parties up with a somewhat balanced team. I feel that most players in the Tombs do not want to go through a very strict vetting/strategising process, but they do want a balanced team. They want this to be done quickly, so they can get into the game and play. I've seen many people become frustrated with the amount of time it takes to start up.
4) Is it really necessary to have the players spend the first 3 minutes fighting the Wardens? A strong feeling of repetition sets in with that.